PCC is designed for professionals in the company to support the development of healthy integrated relationships
Online Training | 16 – 17 November 2020 | Fee at proposal – PASTI JALAN
Online Training | 27 – 28 November 2020 | Fee at proposal – PASTI JALAN
Online Training | 07 – 11 Desember 2020 | Rp 6.900.000,-
Online Training | 14 – 18 Desember 2020 | Rp 6.900.000,-
PCC Training Background
Our Professional Certified Coach (PCC) is specifically designed for professionals who are inside or outside the company to support the development of healthy integrated relationships within the individual, between team members and key organizational stakeholders to support the delivery of the team task in the most efficient, enjoyable and sustainable way possible.
The purpose of team coaching is to drive the team towards accomplishing a goal, whether it be completing a particular project, starting a new business unit or meeting sales efforts. Enter your information to learn the truth on best uk online casinos. Team coaches are brought in to work with teams to help accelerate their performance.
As a qualified and competent team coaches, participants will be positively influence the success of team-based personnel systems and processes, and therefore play keys roles in supporting team-based personnel structures.
PCC Training Objectives
- Establish coaching agreements with clients and identify how goals link to enhanced business performance.
- Promote an open, flexible, and confident coaching relationship with clients and establish mutual respect and trust in a safe, supportive environment
- Apply coaching ethics and standards appropriately in all coaching situations.
- Demonstrate active listening, ask powerful questions, and use effective dialogue and feedback techniques to provide maximum benefit to clients.
- Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of data and make interpretations that help clients achieve agreed-upon results.
- Design actions and opportunities for ongoing learning that will most effectively lead to coaching results.
- Develop and maintain an effective coaching plan with clients, manage ongoing progress, hold clients accountable for actions, highlight and celebrate successes, and adjourn the coaching process.
- Learn psychometrics and specific assessment tools aimed at developing team agility and strength.
- Providing feedback using a psychometric
- Creating online coaching in group/team coaching
- Setting strategy, priorities and action plan for team and group coaching
- Raising awareness of current team dynamics and impact on performance
- Reviewing the team’s strategic direction and priorities
- Clarifying the basic norms of behaviour and setting clear boundaries
- Creating trust to enable robust conversations on important issues
- Building a structure to support operational, strategic and development goals
- Creating shared goals that go beyond the sum of individual goals
- Raising the leadership impact of the team
- Communicating clear actions, expectations and direction
- Developing partnership behaviours across team and stakeholder communities
PCC Training Contents
Module 1: Coaching in the Workplace: An Overview
- The Coaching Map
- Coaching Definitions and Roles
- Coaching in Organizations
- Coaching Model
Module 2: Coaching Competencies for Coaches
Module 3: Coaching for Personal Development
Module 4: Initiating Coaching Conversations
- Coaching Ethics
- Coaching Agreements
- Coach’s Presence and Purpose
Module 5: Establishing a trust-based relationship with the client
- Optimistic for and encourages self-belief in the client
- Establishes a high level of rapport to build an open dialogue with the client
- Acts openly and honestly
Module 6: Communicating effectively
- Effective listening
- Powerful Questions
- Provides relevant information and feedback
Module 7: Creating Coaching Action Plans
- Sources and Methods of Collecting Data
- Sorting Data
- Designing and Taking Action
Module 8: Maintaining and Evaluation
- Helping the Client Who Is Stuck
- Selecting Tools for Tracking Progress
- Measuring Coaching Results
Module 9: Coaching For Groups & Teams
- Definition of a clear vision
- Clarity of purpose individually and collectively
- Agreement on appropriate values linked to actual behaviours
- An understanding of key stakeholder perspectives
- Review of tactics – what works and what does not work
- Agreement on the ‘how’ to lead the business/business unit
- Full team engagement in collective leadership
- Development of the team as role model leaders to the business
Module 10: Group Coaching
- Group Coaching Benefits Organizations
- Group Coaching Benefits Group Members
- Six Key Characteristics of Group Coaching
Module 11: Team Coaching
- Team Coaching Models
- Impact of Team Coaching
- The Six Principles of Team Coaching – The ‘How’ of Team Coaching
- Six Core Practices For Team Coaching
Module 12: Psychometrics in Coaching
- Assessment and Profiling
- Choose a Psychometric Instrument For Use In Coaching Contexts
- Providing Feedback Using a Psychometric
Module 13: Online Coaching
- Types of E-Coaching and Their Use
- Action Plan to E-Coaching Program
- E-Coaching Steps for Succsess
Training Audience
- Leaders
- Senior Leaders with expertise in your management areas who are now ready to lift your game in leading others: to grow your team and empower your people.
- New leaders ready for effective processes and masterful people-skills.
- Coaches
- New to coaching with an aptitude for those people skills which allow you to coach others to their identified goals?
- Experienced coach looking for of proven processes to support your practice?
- Internal coach looking for professional development or who is now planning their own coaching or consulting business.
- HR Professionals
- Your expertise in developing people will be identified, supported and developed within this training.
Lead Instructor
Drs. H. Syafaruddin Alwi, MS
Jadwal Online Training 2020
- 16 -20 November 2020
- 23 -27 November 2020
- 30 Nov – 4 Desember 2020
- 7 – 11 Desember 2020
- 14 – 18 Desember 2020
Metode Training Online
Metode pelatihan online dapat dilakukan dengan dua metode dimana Peserta dapat memilih metode yang sesuai. Metode tersebut adalah :
Metode Peserta Belajar Online Mandiri (Asinkron) yaitu:
- Peserta mendownload materi pelatihan (dalam bentuk file PPT/PDF/video) dan belajar mandiri dengan waktu belajar diatur sendiri oleh peserta.
- Masa aktif tayang setiap materi pelatihan 4 minggu dengan disediakan konsultasi maks 4 jam online dihitung sejak materi mulai ditayangkan.
- Apabila diperlukan peserta dapat diskusi atau konsultasi terkait dengan materi yang akan difasilitasi oleh konsultan/trainer melalui berbagai media seperti Google Meet, Hang Out, Zoom, Team link, atau WhatsApp sesuai dengan kesepakatan.
- Tersedia paket harga khusus jika ada beberapa orang mendaftar untuk training yang sama dan dari perusahaan yang sama
Metode Live Online Training (Sinkron) yaitu:
- Instruktur mengajar secara LIVE dengan durasi 4 jam perhari selama 2 hari secara terjadwal
- Media Live training dapat menggunakan Google Meet, Hang Out, Zoom atau Team link.
- Tersedia harga khusus jika training yang sama diikuti oleh beberapa peserta dari perusahaan yang sama
Ketentuan Online Training
Persiapan Peserta
- Dianjurkan menggunakan laptop, bukan smartphone.
- Koneksi internet yang stabil.
- Buku dan alat tulis.
Platform yang digunakan
- Beberapa alternative platform Zoom, Google Meet, Hang Out, Team link atau Webex untuk conference live training
- Materi, tugas dan dokumen lain akan diupload dalam Google Classroom
- Peserta menginstall aplikasi sesuai yang akan digunakan
Investment dan Facilities
- Online training Rp 6.900.000,-
- Ujian $500 USD
- Durasi 5 hari : 4 jam per hari dan hari ke 5 untuk ujian
- Jika melanjutkan sertifikasi ada tambahan biaya pembelian voucer ujian senilai $500 dengan kurs dollar hari ini dan dilaksanakan pada tanggal setelah training.
- Modul online training, try out online, dan ujian online
PROFESSIONAL CERTIFIED COACH (PCC) *International Certification by American Academy*