Certified Project Manager (CPM)
Certified Project Manager (CPM)
Graha Mustika ratu, Jakarta | 26 – 30 November 2018 | Rp. 11.500.000,- / orang
Graha Mustika ratu, Jakarta | 03 – 07 Desember 2018 | Rp. 11.500.000,- / orang
CPM training is an end-to-end Project Management Course that enables professionals track, analyse, optimize and automate their day-to-day operations by using digital tools and technical advancements provided in this course! CPM is developed in line with the latest industry trends to help current and aspiring Project Managers to achieve their performance objectives through digital technologies.
Certified Project Manager Course Objectives
- Manage change in project occurring due to political & economic policies
- Review the project plan and organize work activities
- Make innovative decisions and deploy various leadership styles to accomplish project on time
- Achieve a successful project within given time, scope, quality and cost specifications
- Maintain proper communication among stakeholders regarding changes and constraints
- Associate team members and assign responsibilities which suit their abilities
Certified Project Manager Course Content
- Project management
- Project Scope & Technology Integration
- Project Scheduling & Time Management
- Project Cost & Budget Management
- Project Sourcing & Vendor Management
- Project Control & Quality Assurance
- Project Opportunity & Risk Management
- Project Governance & Team Management
- Project Visualization, Analytics & Reporting
- Project Stakeholder Engagement & Expectations Management
- Project Closure and Handover
Trainer Pelatihan Certified Project Manager
After 3 years of career as an engineer at Astra Graphia Information Technology, IGN Mantra worked as a consultant and lecturer in IT Security from 1998 until now. He is also experienced as a speaker at various seminars in IT Security and Project Management in the country and abroad, including in Japan, Thailand, China, etc. He obtained a Bachelor of Computer Engineering from ITS Surabaya in 1993, then in 2013 he obtained a master’s degree in Informatics Engineering at Swiss German University.
Tanggal Pelatihan Certified Project Manager
26 – 30 November 2018
03 – 07 Desember 2018
Waktu Pelatihan Certified Project Manager
Pkl. 09.00 – 16.00 WIB
Tempat Pelatihan Certified Project Manager
Graha Mustika Ratu
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 74-75, Jakarta 12870
Investasi Pelatihan Certified Project Manager
- Rp. 11.500.000,- /orang
- Early bird Rp. 11.000.000,-/ orang, untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 21 september 2018
- Pendaftaran 3 orang dari satu perusahaan : Rp. 12.500.000/orang
- (Include: e-courseware valid for 1 year, ujian sertifikasi, sertifikat, coffee break dan makan siang)